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Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. nutans)
Secobra Recherches, France
A high-yielding variety of intensive type
Maximum yield in production:
10.23 t/ha (Kursk obl.)
State Register
Central Black Soil region
Development features
A mid‑maturing variety with a relatively short stalk and a high lodging resistance. It has an enhanced resistance to pre‑harvest sprouting. The drought resistance is on par with the check varieties. The kernel is very large. The variety has a medium tillering capacity
Planting time
Regional optimum
Vegetation period
68–84 days
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
380–420 pcs/m² — favourable conditions
420–460 pcs/m² — late sowing, unfavourable conditions
42–53 g
Application of nitrogenous fertiliser (considering N content in the soil and the previous crop) upon sowing: 30‑40 kg/ha active substance, phosphorus and potassium depending on the soil type, predecessor and agrochemical data regarding soil reserves
Disease resistance
Moderately resistant to loose smut and net blotch; moderately susceptible to covered smut; highly susceptible to helminthosporium blight. Highly resistant to rhynchosporium leaf spot and dwarf leaf rust
Crop protection
Particular attention needs to be paid to seed treatment against smut diseases. One fungicide treatment is obligatory. In case of potentially high yields, two fungicide treatments and plant growth regulator application are recommended
Intended use
Malting (low protein content, high extractability)
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