Meadow clover (red) (Trifolium pratense L.)
State Scientific Institution Ural Agricultural Research Institute

Diploid, two-cut
Maximum yield in production:
On a par or exceeds the standard variety
State Register
North-Western, Volgo-Vyatka, Middle Volga, Ural and West-Siberian regions
Development features
The time required from germination until bud formation is 50–60 days. High winter hardiness. It is used in both pure stands and in grass mixtures with early‑maturing grasses (ryegrass, festulolium, meadow fescue, orchardgrass). In moderate climatic zones, it produces three cuts for forage and one cut for seeds. The variety delivers consistent yield over years
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
For seeds — 5 kg/ha, for forage — 14–16 kg/ha
2.0–2.05 g
Disease resistance
With medium rust and anthracnose susceptibility, the variety was occasionally prone to more severe damage
Qualitative indicators of green mass
Crude protein content — 16.8%
Leafiness — 39.8–42.9%
Leafiness — 39.8–42.9%
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