Meadow clover (red) (Trifolium pratense L.)
Federal State Scientific Institution Ural Agricultural Research Institute

Diploid, single-cut
Maximum yield in production:
5.93 t/ha (exceeds check by 1.9 dt/ha)
State Register
Northern, North Western, Central and Volga-Vyatka and West Siberian regions
Development features
A late‑maturing variety with a high dry matter yield — up to 30 t/ha in a single cut. Suitable for seeding both in a pure stand and as a companion crop with mid‑ and late‑season maturing grasses (meadow timothy, festulolium). The variety withstands wear in grass mixtures, it is resistant to damping‑off. Relatively heat and drought resistant, with a high winter hardiness. It produces two cuts in southern growing areas
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
For seeds — 5 kg/ha, for forage — 12–16 kg/ha
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