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Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerate L.)
Ural Federal Agricultural Research Centre of Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Maximum yield in production:
Is achieved in the 2nd–3rd year of life. An average yield over two cuts reaches 7,0 tonnes/hectare
State Register
Volga‑Vyatka and Far East regions
Development features
The plant is broad, densely tufted. The stem is green ribbed, of medium coarseness, without trichomes, 110‑150 cm high. It has high tillering capacity. The leaves are linear, have no trichomes, green with a frosty coating. The inflorescence is one‑sided, flat, lobed, spreading panicle, of medium looseness, pale green with a distinct purple tinge on one side. The spikelets are oval, pale green with a purple shade. The seeds are oblong shaped, light‑yellow, with a pink shade. It tolerates some flooding (but will not survive prolonged periods over 14 days) and excessive moisture but does not fare well in close proximity to groundwater. The variety is drought resistant but thrives best in damp conditions. It features high revegetation capacity and the best regrowth after cuts over years. When used in pasture, it is quick to recover from grazing, produces 3‑4 full aftermaths, has satisfactory trampling resistance. It is undemanding to soil types, can grow in light sandy soils
Planting time
Optimum is early sowing in all zones while the top soil layer has moisture
Vegetation period
The crop is characterised by high stand longevity (up to 8‑10 years). In pure stands, it produces good hay or seed yield starting from the 2nd year
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
In pure stand — 15‑20 ha,
In mixed stand — 8‑10 kg/ha
0.8–1.2 g
Intended use
Establishment of hay lands, pastures and in forage crop rotations
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