Festulolium (X Festulolium F.)
Federal State Scientific Institution Ural Agriculture Research Institute
Hay and pasture
Maximum yield in production:
Green mass over three cuts with application of 60 kg nitrogen — over 70 t/ha (exceeds the yield of meadow fescue by 35%)
State Register
Entire territory of the Russian Federation
Development features
The shrub is slightly sprawling, loose, the number of stems — 34 pcs. The leafiness at the head emergence stage amounts to 75%, the weight of 100 generative shoots — 48.0 g, the plant height at the head emergence stage — 73cm, at the flowering stage — 148 cm. Festulolium’s powerful root system reaches 1–1.5 metres deep. The winter hardiness in the climatic conditions of Yekaterinburg is 100%, the drought tolerance and adaptability in the third year of life are high. The 5th year survival rate of plants is 98–100%. The stand regrowth and uniformity in spring and after cutting are excellent. It is characterised by a high tillering capacity and produces from 6 to 90 shoots per plant in the 2nd year, and from 33 to 160 tillers in the 3rd year
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
The optimal seeding rate for hay production is from 22–30 kg/ha. When establishing long‑term sown pastures or multi‑cut grasslands, the seeding rate is increased by 30–35%. When seeded densely at a sowing rate of 100–150 kg/ha in brown heavy loam soils, it closes the canopy and has a coverage of 90–95% numbering 5,030 plants/m2 on average
Qualitative indicators of green mass
Crude protein output — approx. 2.0 t/ha
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