Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
Federal State Scientific Institution Penza Agricultural Research Institute

Maximum yield in production:
Green mass from 2 cuts on average over 5 years of use — 34 tonnes/hectare; dry matter — 6.8 tonnes/ hectare; seeds — 0.7 tonnes/ hectare
State Register
Central, West-Siberian, Volgo-Vyatka and Middle Volga regions
Development features
An early maturing variety: 38‑43 days — from spring germination until the first cut; 34‑45 days — from the first until the second cut; 78‑87 days — until seed maturity. It produces the maximum yield of high‑quality forage in the first year of use. Excellent response to nitrogen fertiliser, rapid regrowth after cutting as compared to traditional cereals. Mildly susceptible to rust. It may be used in field and by‑farm crop rotations for green fodder, haylage, silage over a two‑ to three‑year term. It is also perfect for growing in sown pastures as grass mixtures with legumes; landscaping of lawns, parks, stadiums and construction sites. Low‑maintenance and easy‑to‑grow crop.
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
For seeds — 10‑12 kg/ha,
for forage — 25‑30 kg/ha
for forage — 25‑30 kg/ha
Qualitative indicators of green mass
Crude protein content in forage dry matter — 18–20% (with nitrogen fertiliser);
fiber content — does not exceed 23–25%
fiber content — does not exceed 23–25%
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