Kinelskaya 100
Sudan grass (Sorghum × drummondii)
Federal State Budgetary Institution Samara Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
An annual grass of the genus Sorghum, the plant family Poeceae
Yield (average)
up to 42.0 tonnes/hectare of green mass,
up to 14.0 tonnes/hectare of hay,
up to 3.1 tonnes/hectare of seeds
up to 14.0 tonnes/hectare of hay,
up to 3.1 tonnes/hectare of seeds
State Register
Central Black Soil, Middle Volga, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian, Far East regions
Development features
The plant stands 170‑187 cm high, with a superior tillering capacity (3–28 shoots). It is characterised by a speedy early development and a high yield potential. The variety produces
from 2 to 3 cuts per year. Due to the excellent performance, it is indispensable as a backup crop in very arid years
Planting time
It should be seeded at the soil temperature reaching 10–12°C. If the variety is planted early into cold soil, the emergence of the sowing material goes down to 40%
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
25–30 kg/ha in areas with a precipitation level >500 mm;
12–14 kg/ha in dry steppe areas;
wide‑row sowing — 12‑16 kg/ha
12–14 kg/ha in dry steppe areas;
wide‑row sowing — 12‑16 kg/ha
13,5–14,5 g
Application of N 80 kg/ha active substance, P 60 kg/ha and K 45 kg/ha ensures the green matter yield gain of 32%
Intended use
For green crop, the sudan grass is cut 10–12 days prior to the
heading of panicles once the plants have reached a height of
over 50 cm. The crop is cut 12–15 cm from the ground. The
stand is cut for hay at the beginning of the heading stage,
for silage – at the early milky ripeness stage on the main
shoots, when the green matter is at its maximum. The crop is
harvested for seeds once the kernels on the central panicles
have matured, when they and the stalk are dry and the seeds
are still hard
Maturation period
An ultra‑early ripening variety, ready to be harvested for seeds in 75–85 days
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