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Meadow timothy (Phleum pratense L.)
Federal State Budgetary Research Institution North Caucasian Federal Scientific Agricultural Centre
Maximum yield in production:
9.56 tonnes/hectare (in the 2nd year stand at the Staroye Sindrovo state trial plot, Republic of Mordovia, 2016)
State Register
Central, Volga-Vyatka and Middle Volga regions
Planting time
Early spring (April–May) or summer seeding (until 15 August) following rainfall
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
For wide‑row sowing 4–6 kg/ha, for conventional row sowing 10–12 kg/ha. In mixtures with clover and alfalfa — 6–8 kg/ha
Due to very small seed size (1,000 seed weight of 0.4–0.5 g) and poor seedling vigour, timothy is very demanding in terms of soil preparation: it needs to be free of weeds, well loosened and have a level surface so that the seeds could be placed 0.5‑2 cm deep. Summer sowing for seeds in combination with cereal grasses is widely practised, in this case the field needs to be rolled with packer wheels prior to sowing. Pure timothy stand responds well to nitrogenous fertiliser application. Nitrogen addition at a rate of 90 kg/ha resulted in a seed yield gain of 0.2 tonnes/hectare
Disease resistance
The stand was affected by rust only slightly
Intended use
A pure stand is mostly used for hay, which has 7.2% protein, thereof 3.1% digestible protein. However, most commonly timothy is combined with clover or alfalfa. The mixture is then cut at the bud formation stage of the legume crop for haylage
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