Meadow timothy (Phleum pratense L.)
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Ural Federal Agricultural Research Centre of Ural division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Maximum yield in production:
The average yields of seeds and dry matter according to the data from Nytva state trial plot amounted to 350-410 kg/ha and 7.66 tonnes/ha, respectively. The maximum yield of dry matter — 9.24 tonnes/ha — was harvested in 2006
State Register
Volga-Vyatka, West Siberian, Northern, North Western, East Western and Far East regions
Development features
The variety is characterised by a high leafiness and winter hardiness. The main advantage of timothy is its high acidity tolerance and ability to grow on the soils with poor mineral content. The crop produces satisfactory yields in the areas where grasses of other genera do not grow particularly well
Planting time
Spring and summer sowing until 20 August
Vegetation period
On average until seed ripening: 106–112 days; for hay: 62–78 days
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
Wide‑row sowing — 4‑6 kg/ha, conventional row sowing — 10‑12 kg/ha. In grass mixtures with clover or alfalfa — 6‑8 kg/ha
The species requires a thorough seedbed preparation: the soil needs to be free of weeds, well loosened and have a level surface so that the seeds can be placed 0.5–2 cm deep. Obligatory soil rolling with packer wheels prior to and following sowing will improve emergence. A pure timothy stand responds well to nitrogenous fertiliser application at a rate of up to 90 kg/ha active substance and phosphate and potassium fertiliser addition in the amount of 60 kg/ha
Disease resistance
The variety was affected by stem rust only slightly
Intended use
A pure stand is mostly grown for seeds and hay. However, most commonly timothy is combined with clover or alfalfa. The mixture is then cut at the bud formation stage of the legume crop for haylage. Timothy is an important ingredient of hay land and pasture mixtures, where it accounts for 10–20%.
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