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Variegated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. nothosubsp. varia (Martyn) Arcang.)
Federal State Scientific Institution Ural Federal Agricultural Research Centre of Ural division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The variety has been developed by creation of complex-hybrid populations on the basis of 3 self-fertile lines.
Maximum yield in production:
The variety produces large volumes of dry matter both in dryland management conditions (6.5‑9.0 t/ha) and on irrigation (10.5‑14.2 t/ha).
Maximum seed yield: 1.04 t/ha at Sarapul variety testing plot
State Register
Northern, Northwestern, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Soil, Ural, Western and Eastern Siberian regions
Development features
The plant height in spring is from low to medium. The flowering time is medium. The occurrence of plants with mixed flowers is high.
The species is characterised by high environmental plasticity and good regrowth in spring as well as after cuts. It is more winter hardy than purple alfalfa, thus more promising for areas with extreme climatic conditions.
Planting time
Early spring seeding, without cover crops.
Vegetation period
The time from the beginning of vegetation until the first cut is from 64 up to 70 days.
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
For seed production, wide‑row planting is recommended: 1.5–2.0 million pcs/hа.
For green forage: seeding in rows without a cover crop — 18–20 kg/ha
Alfalfa poorly tolerates acidic soils with РН < 5,5. It is seeded after cereal crops. Particular attention needs to be paid to leveling the surface prior to seeding. For this purpose, extra rolling with packer wheels is recommended following seeding, which will enhance the emergence. Upon seeding, up to 120 kg/ha of phosphorus and potassium fertiliser may be applied
Disease resistance
The variety is resistant to major diseases, root rots and pest infestations.
Crop protection
Pre‑sowing seed treatment against root rots and timely application of insecticides against pests
Intended use
Forage, haylage.
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