Lentils (Lens culinaris Medikus)
Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
An intensive variety for conventional technology (not Clearfield), a brown seed coat, orange cotyledons
Maximum yield in production:
3.42 t/ha (Lipetsk oblast)
State Register
Central Black Soil region
Development features
The sprouts are of anthocyanin colour. Linear leaves. Small flowers, white with blue veins on the vexillum, 2-3 individual flowers per inflorescence. The seeds are small, of convex shape, brown, without pattern. Orange cotyledons
Planting time
Early, upon the soil warming up to 5-6°С
Vegetation period
69–86 days (mid-early)
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
200-220 pcs/m2
26-32 g
A good predecessor for lentils is cereals. Phosphate-potassium fertiliser application (40 kg/ha active substance) is recommended before primary tillage or Diammophos 10:26:26 (100 kg/ha) prior to sowing. A perfectly level field and additional rolling during the seeding are required. Harvesting should be performed with the Flex combine header set to the lowest height of cut
Disease resistance
The variety displayed low susceptibility to root rots in the field conditions.
Crop protection
Seed treatment with Maksim (2‑3 l/t) or Vitavax (2.5 l/t) is recommended
Intended use
Food, a high culinary value
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