Spring oats (Avena sativa L. var. mutica aristata)
Saatzucht Bauer Biendorf GmbH, Germany

A high-yielding food variety
Maximum yield in state testing:
9.46 t/hа (Kursk oblast, 2019)
State Register
Central, Central Black Soil regions
Development features
A mid-maturing lodging-resistant variety. High drought resistance. The plant height is from short to medium. The lower lemma is white (a white-kerneled variety). The kernel is of medium size, the husk content is low, the protein content is up to 13.8%
Planting time
An early variety that tolerates recurring spring frost
Vegetation period
71–75 days
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
330–350 pcs/m² — early sowing and rich soil
350–380 pcs/m² — late sowing
350–380 pcs/m² — late sowing
39–43 g
Nitrogenous fertiliser upon sowing (50 kg/ha active substance) and at the stem elongation stage (30 kg/ha active substance), phosphorus and potassium (40‑50 kg / ha active substance) upon ploughing in autumn or when mulching in early spring.
Disease resistance
In the field, it was slightly affected by leaf stripe and moderately by stem rust and septoria spot. The variety is mildly susceptible to crown rust.
Crop protection
Seed treatment. Fungicide application is only practical in case of a high infectious hazard in moist conditions
Intended use
Food (valuable in terms of quality), suitable for flaking
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