Field peas (Pisum sativum L.)
Toft Plant Breeding, Denmark

Leafless variety, egg-shaped seeds, green cotyledons and seed coat
Maximum yield in production:
5.1 tonnes/hectare (Kursk oblast)
Maximum yield in state testing:
6.4 tonnes/hectare (Moscow oblast)
State Register
Central and Central Black Soil regions
Development features
Leafless midseason-ripening variety. Good lodging and pod shattering resistance. A large number of pods on a single plant, an average number of seeds per pod. Medium draught tolerance. The plant height is 60-80 cm. Harvesting is recommended at 16–18% moisture content, requires gentle handling during harvesting and post-harvest processing
Planting time
Early, good early spring frost resistance
Vegetation period
70–95 days
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
90–100 pcs/m2
190–230 g
Depending on the findings of the agrochemical soil analysis: phosphorus: 45 kg/ha actie substance, potassium: up to 120 kg/ha active substance, nitrogen: upon sowing only 30–40 kg/ha active substance
Disease resistance
Medium resistance to fusarium and bacteriosis Poor resistance to rust and ascochyta blight
Crop protection
Pea seed treatment against root rots and ascochyta with Maksim (2 l/t). In the southern regions where the bean seed fly is widespread, the addition of an insecticide to the fungicide is required. Two treatments at the vegetative stages starting from bud formation with a fungicide and insecticide mixture against brown rust and pea weevils are obligatory.
Intended use
Food (nutritionally valuable, a high culinary rating)
Peas (Pisum sativum L.)
A leafless variety with oval seeds and yellow cotyledons
Field peas (Pisum sativum L.)
A leafless variety with irregular‑shaped seeds and yellow cotyledons
Field peas (Pisum sativum L.)
A leafless variety with globe‑shaped seeds and yellow cotyledons
Field peas (Pisum sativum L.)
A leafless variety with round seeds and yellow cotyledons
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