EN Akcent
Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr)
EkoNiva‑Semena, LLC, Russia
An early maturing (CHU 10°С-2200°С), high‑protein variety of indeterminate growth habit type, maturity group 000
Maximum yield in production:
3.5 tonnes/hectare (Plavsk State Variety Testing Plot, 2020)
Maximum yield in state testing:
4.32 tonnes/hectare (Kursk oblast, 2023)
State Register
Central region
Development features
A high-protein variety, can be used as a previous crop for winter crops in the southern part of the central region. The plants are 70‑80 cm high, with good lodging resistance. Harvest losses do not exceed 5%. The seed protein content amounts to 40–45%, fat — 19–21%. The recommended stand density by harvest time is 500,000 pcs/ ha. The hilum colour is yellow.
Planting time
Upon the soil warming up to 10–12°C
Vegetation period
100–110 days
Seeding rate (viable seed/m2 )
600 thousand viable seeds/ha adjusted for field emergence. The inter‑row distance is 12–50 cm. Optimum crop density by harvesting: 600 thousand pcs/ha
180–200 g
A level field at seeding helps to minimise harvest losses. The Flex combine header should be set at the lowest height of cut
Disease resistance
The variety is resistant to downy mildew, bacterial blight, sclerotinia and other major diseases
Crop protection
Inoculant and fungicide treatments are obligatory. In the southern regions — where bean seed fly is widespread — addition of an insecticide to the fungicide is required
Intended use
Forage, food
EN Argenta
Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr)
Type of maturity | early maturing |
Vegetation period | 100-105 days |
Maturity group | 000 |
TKW | 120-130 g |
Lowest pod height | 12 cm |
Protein content | 36-42 % |
Fat content | 18-22% |
GL Melanie
Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr)
An intensive variety of from semi‑determinate to indeterminate growth habit
OAC Prudence
Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr)
An intensive high‑yielding variety of indeterminate type of growth habit
EN Argument
Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr)
Type of maturity | early maturing |
Vegetation period | 90-100 days |
Maturity group | 0000 |
TKW | 140-170 g |
Lowest pod height | 9 cm |
Protein content | 40-42 % |
Fat content | 18-22% |
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