Soft winter wheat
Type of maturity | mid-maturing |
Plasticity | high |
TKW | 38-49 g |
Protein content | up to 15% |
Gluten content | up to 28.5% |
Number of grains per ear | high |
Tillering capacity | high |
Type of maturity | mid-maturing |
Plasticity | high |
TKW | 38-49 g |
Protein content | up to 15% |
Gluten content | up to 28.5% |
Number of grains per ear | high |
Tillering capacity | high |
Type of maturity | mid-maturing |
Plasticity | high |
TKW | 38-46 g |
Protein content | up to 15% |
Gluten content | up to 28% |
Number of grains per ear | high |
Tillering capacity | high |
Type of maturity | mid-maturing |
Plasticity | high |
TKW | 37.5-44 g |
Protein content | up to 15% |
Gluten content | up to 30.8% |
Number of grains per ear | high |
Tillering capacity | high |
Type of maturity | mid-maturing |
Plasticity | high |
TKW | 36-41.6 g |
Protein content | up to 15% |
Gluten content | up to 30.6% |
Number of grains per ear | high |
Tillering capacity | high |
Type of maturity | mid-maturing |
Plasticity | high |
TKW | 38.7-41.5 g |
Protein content | up to 14.4% |
Gluten content | up to 27.4% |
Number of grains per ear | high |
Tillering capacity | high |
Type of maturity | mid-maturing |
Plasticity | high |
TKW | 40–42.8 g |
Protein content | up to 15.5% |
Gluten content | up to 28% |
Number of grains per ear | high |
Tillering capacity | high |
Soft winter wheat
EkoNiva-Semena portfolio offers soft winter wheat varieties from Russian breeding centres suitable for various soils and climatic conditions. It is one of the most common crops in many regions of Russia. In 2015, EkoNiva-Semena launched its own soft winter wheat breeding programme. By now, our breeding centre has 7 varieties included in the register of Russia. All the company’s varieties are of intensive type and deliver high yields of excellent quality if all the agronomic (crop stand management) requirements are met.

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